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Old 04-04-2009, 12:54 AM
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no_bs no_bs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Kamloops BC
Posts: 415
no_bs is on a distinguished road
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Wow, I can't believe she put this on. Thanks for the modifying it honney. At least she didn't catch me in my birthday suit. It was getting quite warm. Well this is our 420 in progress. 7' long 42" high 30"deep. YEAH. . So far we managed to get in the house, built a stand (Which will now have to be bigger to fit a 135 sump, oh and the 6' tall skimmer!!) So now there is a pump room to consider, to fit the rest of the equipment. I'll have to send her away, so i can knock down a wall. HAHAHA. . I will not put this as a build thread yet, as i have many projects on the go. But all work is documented. Any of the seniors with massive tank experience, please don't hesitate to give me some advice. And for you my2rotties, there will be no wet tshirt contest..
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