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Old 04-02-2009, 05:13 PM
sask sask is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 7
sask is on a distinguished road

For your overheating problem? If your tank is on an outside wall you could do as I have (not if you are a renter tho, landlord might not appreciate). A 4-6 inch hole thru the canopy and wall (check for stud location to avoid), insert a piece of ducting with an elbow pointing down on the outside put in an inline booster fan available at Princess Auto, hook up a plug to the wiring and viola, no more condensation inside your canopy or on your windows, and much, much less heat. they run silent when on the outside, consume very little energy and solve a lot of issues relating to heat and moisture. you can install the whole thing for under $50.
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