Help - I am being infested
OK I need some big time help. It seems my tank is being over run by a hitch hiking weed. At least I call it a weed. It looks like the picture on page 180 of Aquarium Corals by Borneman but the base is brown not white; also it is in single colony not batches like the picture. The whole thing is brown and it cannot be killed. There are also no tubeworms in my tank when I touch it shrinks back into the rock/sand and I cannot get it out
It all started about 6 months ago when I saw the 1st one. I wanted to get rid of it but my wife said it looked cute and she wanted to keep it. Well that one turned into many.
I pulled out 1/2 my rock cleaned it off using a scrub brush and tap water then re-inserted it back into the tank. Now it is everywhere including on the glass and my tank looks like a weed farm.
I have not been doing my regular maintenance for the past couple of months due to new baby, couple of jobs etc.
Any help is really appreciated – I would get rid of the fish and start fresh but I have a few corals that I am scared to give to anyone cause I don’t want to contaminate their tank.
I have another 30 G tank that I could rig up the corals and fish in sand then dump my corals sand and somehow clean my rock but how do I start the water over again and how can I clean off my softies without damaging them?
Can't find my camera to take pictures.
If it ain\'t broke - give it to a reefer