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Old 04-01-2009, 02:13 AM
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Canadian Canadian is offline
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Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 619
Canadian is on a distinguished road

I'll go on record stating that I think MH is the best simple option for reef aquarium lighting.

With that said, I'll play devil's advocate and post a link where the exact opposite consensus about this topic was reached elsewhere:

Every time this topic is discussed the recommendations become so dogmatic and obstinate it's painful (and I mean from both camps).
SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

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