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Old 03-31-2009, 12:28 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
I agree if you put them in at the same time you have a good chance....but not after the clowns have established themselves. My trio tried to kill the Naked Clown pair I put in.....and they had not been in the tank for a long time...just long enough...they're in a 150g and they use the entire tank. When people say clowns don't swim around much...well mine side of the tank to the other...and they play host with ... a corals I have offered or anything. They did start to play in a large brain coral I had...but then I had a fish nipping it so the brain came out..and back to the wavebox.

GSP I totally get the wanting the Grade A or Premium pair. They are much nicer and great if only we could get some Snowflake or Snowcasso's in.....THAT would be cool! Here is a thread that sort of gives an overview of what this guy grades his clowns as;
My clowns are the opposite, they will not leave their anemone much. The female left the other day and made it all the way to the other side of the tank before getting scared and zipping back to the nem. I have never again seen either of them more than about a foot from their home.
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