Here is the dosing instructions for Power traces
1 – 2 ml per 100 L per day
Dosing for SPS dominated tanks and more extreme coloration. Slowly increase the dosing of solutions # 2 and #3, the exact amount has to be determined
individually as it depends on several factors like lighting, filtration, growth rates etc. Generally start with 25 % of the recommended dose and increase by max. 10% per week. Clear indications for deficient dosing are fading or pale colors, or dull brownish colors. In extreme cases the tissue at the basal disc may turn white and start to decay.
Clear indications for overdosing are very dark colors, turning into brown eventually. Also algae growth is enhanced. Yellow corals turn greenish and green corals (e.g. the Enzmann Acropora aka. “Green Slimer”) turns brown. You will eventually identify certain indicators or “Monitor Corals”, which will allow you to detect changes in your aquarium. In case of an overdose, decrease the dose by 50% immediately and exchange about half of the activated carbon until the corals turn brighter again and show better coloration.
In regards to dosing, if you are seeing results then please continue, please follow up in one week.