Originally Posted by lorenz0
imo if your comparing a TEK or powermodual they are basically the same as MH. I did a par test comparing the 2 and they both put out similar numbers.
It's not all about PAR in the end. IME, it seems like the quality of the light that comes from MH exceeds that of T5s. I don't know why as all the little numbers we can test for seem to indicate that they are essentially the same kind of light. I have definitely noticed that newbies have an easier time accomplishing great color and growth with their corals using MH lighting than T5s. I really can't explain, but it's a trend I have really started picking up on in the last couple years as T5s have become more and more popular.
I used to be a diehard MH, then I was diehard T5, and now I think there's a place for each type of lighting.