I added the Sailfin today from another members tank (he had outgrown it) and all went really well. None of the other tangs looked twice at him other than the Yellow, which worried me but in the end, he just wanted to swim along side the Sailfin. I would say the Sailfin is about 4 times the size of the Yellow
I brought him home in a small H2Ocean salt bucket which he really didn't fit into properly. I measured him at about 8" or a bit more with the tail and also about 8" tall if you include his fins!!! Also almost 2" thick! Hes massive. Makes my Hippo look tiny. Kind of scary to think he could get double this size...not likely but even at 12" I couldn't imagine this fish being ok in the 200G.
I don't think any of the other fish even saw him as a threat because he is so big. They were not at all scared of him but also didn't show the slightest aggression--he kind of just looked like he had been part of the group for some time.
I will try to get some pics tomorrow. He swims out in the open until I come to the tank and then he hides. Not used to me yet

Im sure it won't take long for him to figure out the nori comes from me.