My tank has cycled. I'm using good salt (bio - sea), i have fully cured fiji live rock. I started out with ammonia and nitrites on day 1 being .3 and no nitrates. about 3 days in the nitrates went to 10. on the 4-5 day ammonia and nitrites were 0 and nitrates were 5. I watched it for 3 days and no ammonia or nitrites and the nitrates were almost 0. Then i added 2 clownfish. I had them a week before i added the tang. My levels have been good all along with nothing over .1 since i added fish. Things are still fine. I test daily and sometimes twice. I cleaned my filter last night so could that be the reason? I have alot of algae but i have some turbo snails now that are doing a good job on them. My fish seem fine. They are eating good, swimming good, no signs of spots or damaged fins. I think everthing is fine minus the cloudnish.