Test Results
Phosphate: 0.00 ppm
Nitrate: ~2 ppm
Calcium: 410 ppm
Magnesium: 1520 ppm
Salinity: 1.025
pH: 8.3
UltraLith: 1 liter
UltraBio: 4 drops/day
UltraBak: 2ml/day
UlraMin: 2 ml/day
Cost/day: $0.98
The nitrate and phosphate levels have both dropped in the past week to near ULN levels. Both are now lower than ever acheived using vodka dosing in combination with RowaPhos.
Cyano has completely disappeared from the sand bed and live rock. Cyano was always present in the past.
Hair algae is significantly reduced, but then I also added a hungry sea hare. Areas between coral inaccessable to the sea hare also show a gradual reduction in hair algae.
Colors have become more muted since discontinuing Ultra Amin SPS. Pinks and purples do not have the same neon glow.
Polyp extension has also reduced over the past week.
Overall, pleased with the program but would like to get the colors back to where they were. Let's face it, I am fussy.
Tank Update
Aquacontroller Jr was added three weeks ago. It controls lights, heater and cooling fan. Was pleased that the DC8 was capable of starting my 2x400w MH without any problems. Temperature control is now within 0.5F of setpoint at all times.
Replaced 2 lunar light modules with a 4' string of 120 blue LED's. For $25 (plus 12v transformer) these are a steal, completely sealed and waterproof. Really like the effect they give to the tank and the green and orange colors really pop.
Ten days ago added two Tunze 6100's and a 7094 Multicontroller, replacing two Koralia 3's. Huge difference in flow! Tunzes are mounted on opposite ends of the tank and alternate flow from side to side.
Tank shot today (Tunzes off to get reflection)