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Old 03-28-2009, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
Thats some thick glass for an overflow. Is there a specific reason you went so thick?

Looks good though, Those siliconed joints will be fine. It's amazing how well silicone bonds to glass. I like how you taped the joints for a smooth silicone edge. Most people me included, would just apply and spread with finger to Fillet the joints, on an overflow LOL
It's only 3/8" glass. It's external with bulkheads and anytime there's a bulkhead there's extra stress on the glass. There's also not that much room from the edge of the hole to the edge of the glass so I didn't want to risk it. I didn't trust 1/4" glass. Believe it or not, the internal overflow box that I ripped out of the tank was 1/2". That's pretty think, it was probably for it to have a nice surface for the egg crate to sit on though. I don't ever want to have to tear this tank apart because of something I miscalculated. I'm trying to do it right the first time y'know? Thanks for the comments.
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