More progress today: I build the overflow box. First I had to drill my 2 holes for the 1 1/2" drains in the overflow box. Here are both my kids helping me.
The worst part is cleaning silicone off dirty glass. I got the glass from someone who had ripped apart a fish tank so I had to use tons of razor blades and wire brushes to clean up the edges. Here is the mess created!
Finally all the glass cleaned up.
Here is the glass prepped with masking tape to get less smears in the silicone. I am using clear silicone. I know that the overflow box is not seen, but I still want it to look nice.
I cleaned all the edges with vinegar and newspaper (a trick from the guy who used to build tanks for Inter American or Bow Valley Aquariums). Here is the overflow box built. I just have to let the silicone cure and then razor off the edges. All the edges lined up flush and there are no air bubbles in the visable seams so I think that's the most important part.
Thanks for looking!