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Old 03-27-2009, 02:30 PM
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Thanks for the kind words guys. They are really sweet

Originally Posted by noirsphynx View Post
Awww, cute. Where'd you get them? I have a really good friend down in Airdrie who breeds lovies and several other types of birds. I bred and raised cockatiels from 2003 until last year. My last pair are heading off to BC after Easter.
We picked them up from Genesis Aviaries in Acme. We really wanted to get them from a breeder.

Originally Posted by workn2hard2day View Post
Very cute. Are they sitting in a house plant? Do they stay together when they fly around?
They are indeed sitting in a ficus. My wife was cleaning the cage so I was playing with them and they really wanted in the pant. They are a great pair, they were from two different clutches but have been together since birth. They are still really young only 10 weeks old but they were hand raised and fed so they are very tame. We didn't get them DNA sexed so we are not sure what they are.

Originally Posted by leezard View Post
Very pretty!

They have HORRIBLE squawks, though. Good luck with that part!
They have been fairly quiet so far but we have only had them 3 days so they are still getting used to their new home.
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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