Thread: Mantis Tank
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Old 03-26-2009, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
Just let her know that if she gets a tank for the's only fair that you get something fancy for the 200 gallon...
Well I would have to be careful with that--she would most likely turn that around and say I have so much fancy stuff in the 200 and she wants all kind of Mantis Shrimp!

Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
you may even want to consider a breeder style tank. they from what i have have seen are bottom dwellers and make their home in the sand. therefor they wouldnt need much "swiming " room.

i agree with the acrylic thing aswell. they are also known as "Thumb splitters" as they have been known to break fingers. just my 2 cents and all i have read that hasnt already been said.
I told her about the fingers in hopes that would deter her but no luck

Im just kidding though...I would be happy to set up a proper Mantis tank for her if she really does want it.
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