Originally Posted by parkinsn
When you see something you like ask the LFS to hold it they should do it for you. When fish come in they are stressed and they may not eat right away or at all, a good LFS will hold the fish for you until it is eating proper foods. Also a good LFS will not let the fish go if they dont think it will do well. Sorry about what im going to say retailers, but I would rather have the LFS take the loss of a fish than me, they can make their money back on something else to balance for the lost fish we cant. Ask your LFS to hold the fish till it is looking healthy and eating good, you can always ask them to feed it in front of you. For a PBT I would go longer than 2 weeks in QT as (correct me if im wrong) Ich takes 4 weeks to work its self out of the fish and PBT's are ich magnets. As for the fish dying before you pick it up some LFS will make you pay ahead of time and some wont, so keep your receipt and they will refund you or give store credit if it dies in their care.
wow great comment! Thanks!
ya I went back to the LFS today and the two PBTs I saw yesterday were already sold

However, the Regal is still there and I will talk to the manager tomorrow asking him to at least hold it for 1 week or so in the store for me. (He was not working today)
One more question though, I should still quarantine the new fish myself after asking the LFS to hold it for a while for me right?
Just want to make sure.