To actually answer the poll properly here goes ...
Death penalty ... although in favour of the death penalty for first degree murder I have hesitation later on in life due to errors that " could " put a innocent person to death " however " ... if irrefutable DNA evidence were to prove the guilt of a perpetrator then I would have no problem with the switch being flipped.
3 strikes ... absolutely ! ... but clear definitions of applicable offences ( minor weed conviction etc excluded )
Judges ... they should be elected by their peers and NOT elected by the public
Texas style Jails ... hell yea ! ... some of these criminals will commit an offence just so they can " winter " in jail with their buds and then come out in time for spring and continue their criminal ( non-working ways ) ... if they really had it hard in jail then it would be a deterrent to getting there and maybe they would think twice before comitting a crime
GPS monitoring ... for those on parole this should be mandatory
Full sentences ... absolutely ... why not serve the sentence ( or whats the point in having a sentence in the first place ? ) or change the length so that it fits the crime
Victims having a say ... this is ludricous ... they are too emotionally attached to what happened and would probably lynch a guy for shoplifting ... if the laws were more reliable to deter criminals and or provide sufficient punishment then victims would be comfortable that justice would prevail.
One last comment and that is the jail system has to be geared more to rehab and changing behavior patterns than to relatively innocent first offenders going in and expert criminals with MBA degrees in criminal pathology coming out worse than they were before. There are very successfull companies right now that are changing the mindset of it's employees so that they understand the concept of positive thinking and that garbage in = garbage out so that positive behavior patterns will produce positive results ... we have to find a way to rehabilitate the first timer so that he/she does not get caught up in a behavior pattern that leads to a 3 strikes conviction and a permanent cell in our jails.
“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire