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Old 03-26-2009, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by PFoster View Post
With 2 of them running at max velocity yes it would be.

That would be 6000 gph or a 67 times turn over rate in the tank.
I know several sps guys running their systems at a 50X turn over rate though.

In anti synch mode though they will be on opposite cycles though so then you will have excellent flow in the tank that is also alternating.

We have a local client here running 2 MP40's on a 90g corner bow and he just loves them. We were able to create a 1" wave in the tank even with the 2 pumps being at 90 degrees to each other. As the pumps do not need to be turned up very high they were also relatively quiet in this mode. And in lagoon mode he runs then in anti synch and they are almost silent!
Think 1 MP20 would make a wave in a 45g corner Bow?
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5