With the de-criminalization proposed for Ganja ( weed ) then the 3 strikes law would fit in perfectly ...
lets face it if somebody gets caught up with the wrong crowd once then alright slap on the wrist ( minor offence mind you ) ...
second time Ok did not learn the lesson ...
but a third time and either Dude is stupid or lazy or just dont give a damn and at that point aint gonna change ...
on first and second offence mandatory education in reversing criminal thinking and explaining what the consequences are for screwing up another time will be ... these are the people that laws are supposed to protect the innocent from ( since bearing arms to protect yourself is easier for criminals to do than average citizens ) ... rapists and child molesters need not go to the trouble of having three shots at our wives and daughters and mandatory life would be just fine with me.
Talk to any police officer about how lax our judicial system is and you will see things from a different point of view ... there is not a single cop out there that is happy with the resort style jails and the slap on the wrist attitude our laws permit the criminals to run roughshod over society with no regard for the victims whose lives in the case of rape for instance are ruined emotionally and for what ? so we dont look like what to the world ? we have to take the criminals off the streets so that kids can go out and play again without parents worrying to death that some freak that we are too afraid to lock up and throw away the key is back on the streets.
“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire