Originally Posted by Seek828
Hi all,
Just came back from my LFS today and found that they have gotten some Powder Blue Tangs. They rarely get them.
They are slightly less than 3 inches long.
I was just getting ready to get my next fish for my 90G FOWLR and initially was thinking the Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus).
They also have one at around 3 inches long.
I really like both. But I know that with the similar color and body shape, there is a high possiblitiy that they will fight.
Anyone think there is any chance in the world that they will tolerate each other in a 90G? Anyone tried keeping them at the same time before?
What if I add them together at the same time?
Thanks for reading!
The powder blue tang is a very difficult fish to keep. Typically it does well for a while than gets sick and dies for no apparent reason often taken a few of the other fish with them.
He is a link about the powder blue
The regal tang is an ich magnet and gets to the size of a pie plate and IMO is too large a fish for a 90.
If you are set a getting a tang consider the kole or yellow for a 90 however you have a trigger already so you may have problems with adding any tangs in a 90