Originally Posted by levi1803
wow that is pretty sad, sorry to hear about losing your fish. That's amazing that the tang wouldn't leave it's side, makes you think they know something is going on.
I KNOW he knew something was going on. I have never seen him hang out anywhere near the copperband in the past or pay him any attention before this. Its not like they had been "buddies" prior to this. As soon as the Copperband started to look bad down in that corner, he never left his side. I thought maybe coincidence until I saw him chase a few fish out of the area. He never does that. I had never seen my Naso chase any other fish in the tank before.
Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat
Damn, thats sad and cool at the same time. Copperbands are so beautifull. But alas, I will not get one. If you can't keep them alive, I sure aint gona be able to
It is sad but yet amazing at the same time.
Originally Posted by es355lucille
Sorry for your loss. That was a very beautiful fish. 
Thanks. He was a beautiful fish and seemed to be the healthiest I had ever kept. He ate so well and was super active. Its amazing how quickly things can change for no apparent reason.