DANG!!! I need me one of those... I should go borrow the neighbors Bobcat but don't feel comfortable borrowing things, plus I have never used one before... prob smash it into the side of the house or something. My hubby uses it but he is not that great either. You have a nice piece of alnd, any horses?
We went quadding in Burnt timber last year... was it Water Valley that had the two liquor stores, a bottle depot and small grocery store? It was whimsical to say the least. Gragg has two liquor stores and two bars too... we tend to embrace alchoalisum during the winter months.
Originally Posted by Carpentersreef
Looks like we're both in a snow belt!
The machine is a Kubota L3400 4WD tractor. It's a "must have."
(That's my story and I'm sticking to it, anyways.)
