Thread: Achilles care
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:49 PM
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Default Achilles care

Finally hes here!!!!! I have been waiting for this fish for a year and I finally got it yesturday!!!! I have heard rumors that hes one of the more demanding members of the Acanthurus clan and Often hard to acclimate. thats why I want suggestions from the pros. hes currently qt in my 29gallon biocube that is plumbed to my main tank. I tried some mysis and nori no luck, got more stress instead while I drop the nori in the tank. he got 2 ich in his shoulder and 1 on his eye. any reef medication that I can use? I hope hes better today. I will keep posting for update. ohh hes 3.5'' with tail.
day 1

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