So he passed away about 30 mins. after my last post last night. I got ready for bed and when I came back to check the tank, he was dead...the Naso still right by his side.
Another thing I noticed was that he got extremely skinny within that 2-3 hour period where his health declined and he passed. I am not exaggerating, it was about 2-3 hours. He looked great just hours before--and this isn't the first time I have had one suddenly deteriorate this fast and I remember the last thread when I had one die like this many, many people chimed in saying they had experienced the exact same thing...something is not right.
Anyways, here are a few pictures with approx. times to show how incredible the Naso's actions were. I am still amazed by him. It very well may just have been curiosity but in many of the pics, you can actually see him looking down at the dying copperband. I can also tell you he was chasing off any other fish from the tank that came anywhere close to the copperband.
Approx. 12pm
Approx. 1am
Approx. 2:00am (still alive but unable to swim)
Approx. 2:45am (Copperband dead) (Naso had not left his side and this is NOT where he usually sleeps..after I took the copperband out, the Naso left to go to bed)