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Old 03-25-2009, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
What is the V part on the end? Built in Overflow or something?
External overflow box... at least that's what its suppose to look like. The reason I decided to go with the angled style, after Red Corals suggestion, is so I would have a space for my closed loop intake high enough off the sand bed (the only hole in that design pic).. Plus I hope it will help in keeping detritus from settling on the bottom (of a traditional flat bottom style overflow), that's the idea anyways.

I also modified that overflow again today from this design, so I can eliminate the Sump returns through the floor of the tank, and I am going to narrow the overflow (at the top 8"s) from 36" (full width) to 24", So i have 6" on either side of the overflow to run my sump returns. I wanted them higher in the tank to avoid a catastrophic tank drain if the power goes out, I trust a good check valve, but not with that much water.
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