Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
Ya I think the mods would go for it as long as say Myka is willing to organize it all and get things going
Oh and the Achilles Tang is most likely a species I will try one day. I will wait until I have a bigger tank than a 200G because I feel they need more room than an average tang but I would try one day. Thats kind of the point of this. Not to tell people absolutely no but try to make sure if they do feel the need/desire to get a fish like an Achilles, they realize how tough they can be to keep and hopefully provide it with a good home.
Go Myka
I will not buy an achilles unless it is from a reliable source (which I have and is getting some possibly Fri.) and I will not buy one that isn't eating, however my source is reliable and works hard to insure the fish are healthy and eating before selling them, so we'll see what happens.