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Old 03-24-2009, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
This is my favorite quote from that list:

"Centropyge heraldi (almost always caught using drugs)"

I have zero tolerance for drug use in my tank. Any fish caught using drugs is taken straight back to the LFS. Warnings like this are perfect since now I know Lemon Peel Angels are almost always going to do drugs.
Just say NO to drugs

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I would like to say the same but since I still don't believe in a complete ban of all these red list fish, I can't say I will. In fact I know if I ever found AEFW in my tank, I would be after the Nudibranchs that eat them in a heartbeat. I also have plans to try a Moorish Idol one day (especially since many of the recent ones coming into JL have been eating right away and I will buy it Zoas and sponges to eat). With regards to the Moorish Idol, I will only try one and if it doesn't work, I know better than to keep trying...I learned that lesson with Copperbands.

IMO the red list fish need to be more carefully brought into stores through special order but not banned completely unless they are endangered.
I have to agree. Especially since I MIGHT (not 100% for sure yet) be getting an Achilles Tang soon. FYI if I do get one it will be going into the fowlr tank so it will be the only tang in the tank.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Doubt the mods would go for it but a new section for this would be the way to go. Then inside a thread for each species which somehow is organized into the color categories such as Red (Extremely difficult, Best left in the ocean), Orange (Difficult, Not recommended) , Yellow (Proceed with caution, experienced keepers), Green (Good survival rate) and then maybe even Purple (Best fish choices for new to the hobby). Might be too much but you get the point. If there was a quick reference list as a sticky at the top of this section with the fish names, species names and color key, that would help direct people quickly.

As for the first post in each individual fish you said not too much but at least reasons either to keep or not keep the fish along with some data in much the same fashion Fishbase has. Then after that people are free to discuss/debate the fish and share experiences.

Might be too much work though plus I doubt mods are going to want to get that far in depth.
I really like your idea, I think that it could work fairly well. The mods are a really good group of people on here, I'm sure they wouldn't have to many issues with it as long as it was done in a proper and respectful way.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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