Hey VFX. I have also tended towards the German cars and have driven all the brands at one time or another. My rebuild will be done by myself and a buddy of mine who is a tech at MCL and also does alot of custom VW/show car stuff as well. He is very talented. I dealt with Weissach at one point and liked the folks there. However, they were expensive and tended to charge book rate. I moved over to Scan Automotive in North Van and was quite happy with them. But having a buddy who can do it for me will save me a bundle on labour which would probably be 80% of the cost. We are also going to do some customizing during the process. We have had the intake and valve covers powder coated and we will use alot of nice stainless fasteners. Upgrading all the vacuum line to silicone and I have made some custom gauge faces and am upgrading some of the cabin lighting to LEDs.
BTW, love the boxsters. it's a great roaster. Have you driven the Cayman? I got to drive a Cayman S on an autocross course and it was a blast. Then had a professional race driver take me for a lap to see what it could really do :-)