Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
Yes the intention of the list is such a great idea and I hope it gets done...I am more than willing to help out of theres anything I could do.
All that gets to me is when you start to hear the extremes like we shouldn't be keeping any fish. These comments don't help anything. This is a REEF site! PETA has a site if people feel that way.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I just gotta figure out a way to deal with all the information and present it in an easy to read way. I don't want there to be too much info otherwise I think people will not bother to read it, ya know? Maybe provide minimal details on the main page with links to more information or something to that effect.
It is definitely a bit pointless to be going to the extreme of saying we shouldn't have reef tanks, which does have a certain amount of truth to it, but we shouldn't be eating animals either. In the end, we all have tanks, and most of us eat meat, so it's a bit of a moot point. The idea though is to create as little impact on the natural environment as possible by making informed decisions, and spreading the word.