Originally Posted by Leah
So it gives us the right to take it. You have missed the point here. Yes we all are hypocritical. How would you like to be put in a cage and kept by seacreatures?????
Not much I would guess.
Give me a break. I haven't missed any point. Your just a little extreme, thus the comparison to PETA. I suggest you find a new hobby if you feel this way.
I have had many conflicting thoughts about the hobby over the years and I agree that it can get very hypocritical but if you feel like no one should be doing it, then start yourself and give up your tank.
And no not everyone is hypocritical because not everyone feels the way you do.
I myself, just couldn't carry on doing something that I felt so strong against. I also would never come to an aquarium board and start saying no one should be keeping the animals they keep.
I think the idea of this list is GREAT. If its done right. There just can't be the extremes or it becomes ridiculous. As stated a bunch of times, it needs to be worded right. A list like this will never be more than a learning tool for people to make a choice. In the end, its not going to stop everyone from buying from the "red" list but hopefully it will make people think twice. Like I said earlier too, I think its important to give people other options along with the difficult to keep fish. Its more likely they won't buy the hard to keep fish if they see that there is something else they like that is similar but has a better survival rate. Just saying no to people doesn't work.