HELP-LTA looks very sick!
I was cleaning my tank yesterday (the outside and rim) of salt accumulations and a piece of dried salt about 1 cm square and about 1mm thick fell in my tank...right onto my LTA that's been hiding in the back! I woke up this morning and this blob of dead looking stuff was there. It looks like some of his tentacles are necrotic or something? Has anyone ever seen this before? Any suggestions? He is giving me HUGE ulcers as every day its something new with him. You can see the blob in this photo..

Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano
Toad Stool
Colt Coral
Purple Shrooms
Red Shrooms
Candy Cane Coral
Hammer Coral
Moon Coral
Copper Banded Shrimp..and growing