Most times research tells us they are hard to keep due to not eating or water quality must be mint... if the fish is eating and the water params of the reefer are mint, it will give us a green light to go ahead... then little do we know there are other factors involved and the things you know you can provide are simply not enough.
If some fish are coral nippers, and we have a few corals it would be nice to know which corals have been targeted to either remove them of watch them.
I have never bought or will try a red list fish at this point. If I ever did, it would be from another reefer and not the LFS. If people expand on their experience it helps others know better. If someone has made the mistake of buying the fish already any success stories in keeping specialized creatures can help them try their best to be successful themselves.
There are other things about fish like jumping that some research may not show... things like how to keep the fish from jumping and measures reefers had to take to keep them in the tank is appreciated since a canopy might not be enough.
There are only a couple of LFS in my area that are very honest and knowledgeable with customers. There are a few that will tell you anything to make you feel alright about buying the fish. Then you come home with a disaster and the store won't stand by what they told you. However there are a couple of stores that will stand by the info and help you out. However it is not always the case and new reefers have trail and error with every store until they learn the hard way.
Originally Posted by Madreefer
These so called "lists" just seem to **** people off more than they do any good. Much easier if people spent a little time doing research. There's too many ignorant people that just figure "oh well... I'm gonna try anyways" Most of what I read are people that have had tanks set up less than 6 months and don't listen anyways. If you don't research, you don't learn. It is probably not a good idea to take a list like this to a LFS telling them what they should and should not sell. Just like another member says "you have to use the proper wording". It can start some nasty arguements. 