Originally Posted by Snaz
This list is a great idea. I for one will pledge NOT to purchase any of the species on the RED list.
I would like to say the same but since I still don't believe in a complete ban of all these red list fish, I can't say I will. In fact I know if I ever found AEFW in my tank, I would be after the Nudibranchs that eat them in a heartbeat. I also have plans to try a Moorish Idol one day (especially since many of the recent ones coming into JL have been eating right away and I will buy it Zoas and sponges to eat). With regards to the Moorish Idol, I will only try one and if it doesn't work, I know better than to keep trying...I learned that lesson with Copperbands.
IMO the red list fish need to be more carefully brought into stores through special order but not banned completely unless they are endangered.
Originally Posted by Leah
But my thought is none of us should really do this at all. From live
rock, live sand, corals, fish, even crabs and snails. It is very selfish to say the least but
here we all are.
As much as this hobby does its part to destroy the ocean, it is FAR from the leading reason the ocean is in decline. Stop the collection and destruction for this hobby and trust me, the oceans are still going to be disappearing/declining at an alarming rate. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do all we can to help but I find comment like this about how no one should be doing this hobby to be way too "PETA" for me and it drives me nuts...how can you be so hypocritical? There is always a balance.