Originally Posted by Myka
I agree with pretty much all the fish suggested, and the changes suggested as well (as good reasons were provided). That's great!  I was worried this thread could turn into a poo throwing match...which it still has the potential.
This is pretty much what I was kind of setting out to do. This thread could just as well point to that URL. Although it is always nice to have "our own" CanReef thread.
I received a PM that suggested a few of us more experienced reef keepers get together and decide on a list which I think is a great idea, but this could really become a very large project. I could always start with a base like that link RobynR posted, and we can edit it how we would like to. I'm willing to put some time into this if needed.
This would be great, but wow it really could turn into a book!!
What would you guys like to do? Suggestions?
I think that list (from the link) is a great start but can also be elaborated on. Its still kind of vague. Many new people to the hobby want more specific reasons for why they are being told not to keep a fish. Just saying diet isn't going to stop a lot of people--its still easy to justify by saying..."well its eating in store and I will feed him well and do my best".
Thats where this thread can come in. Hearing personal and real life stories, good AND bad are what can help people learn.
IMO, if we can't change the stores ordering/sales and can't stop people from buying fish they should not be buying, at least we can advise people how to at least give the difficult fish a fighting chance. AND encourage them to only try once if they really must buy from the red list fish.
I think there are enough "experts" here to put a good list together and really get down to details. Some people are quite experienced with tangs and I know I could learn a lot from them...others like me have kept a ridiculous number of puffers over the past 12 years (6 years saltwater, the rest brackish) but could still learn from others experiences.
What about a nice list/thread with all species commonly available. Will take time but maybe if we encourage "easy" species as well as discourage "difficult" species, we can get somewhere. Offering an alternative to a fish that you are telling someone "no" to may be nice. For example, don't try the Moorish Idol for these reasons... BUT maybe you would like to try a Heniochus which look similar but are easier to care for (granted there is a very tough to care for and ID Heniochus species too...maybe a bad example but you get the point).
Just a thought. Would be a lot of work but with enough time, it would probably come together nicely.
Oh and pictures