Originally Posted by marie
If you want to be taken seriously then you need to watch how you word things.
Nigricans is not impossible to keep, I received one in a mix up at JL. The fish lived fine in my 75g tank until I sold it. People who don't know what they are doing may know of someone who has one and when they read the above they may think your full of it.
So instead... A nigricans may be too much of a challenge for most newbies and is better off left in the ocean...A. japonica is a much nicer looking fish anyway and easier to keep 
In a 75? Well Marie, the definition used in the aquarium pro site is >Fish that may be kept successfully, but ONLY in public aquaria that can supply their specialized needs.
I would say that it was pretty impossible to keep our tanks wouldn't you say?
BTW is the nigricans you sold still alive because typically they do well for a while for a while then seem to peter out and die. Apparently something is missing in the diet we provide in our aquariums.
I would recommend this fish on the red list. Do you agree?