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Old 03-23-2009, 02:09 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Tsawwassen, BC
Posts: 227
pterfloth is on a distinguished road
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Great thread and very good idea!

I think we should take the initiative to be responsible reefkeepers, many of the LFS either are not informed enough or don't care. In my earky days I purchased anthias, leopard wrasse and boxfish without sufficient independant investigation and they all died. I also recently lost 3 captive-bred seahorses to disease despite a well-researched, dedicated tank. On the other hand, I have several other fish that are now more than 6 years old. I take the care of my critters very seriously and hate it when they die.

I am sure that together we can develop a good list that will help new-comers and lessen the trade in livestock that should not be for sale.

I applaud this effort.
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