Wow and you have a 360g system I believe... So far I have not had an issue today, but I know that could change in a second. I notice there are little tiffs now and then but the fish work it out in the end. It is looking like the sailfin is not backing off from the sohal and she got hurt this time. She has not challenged the sohal all day, but we watched her do it last night. I think I mihgt be accusing the sohal of being the one to remove since they are known to be aggressive. I did read sailfins can be quite fiesty too, but she was the one that has a hole in her which amazes me that she is alive. The sohal does not have a a scratch...
Judging by the mirror trick, I think the sailfin is the more aggressive of the two tangs. The sohal had no real desire to fight with his reflection, but the sailfin was in her glory. Mind you peaceful fish were riled up and fighting with their reflections so I guess I cannot prove much with this tactic.
I was going to go to the city to pick up my fish trap but didn't want to make the trek in butt deep snow and Calgary drivers when I hit the city limits.
Seems like I have a really big job ahead of me, and I have a reef tank so I have to plan of just how to do this properly. I am just hoping the fish trap will pan out in the end...
Thanks for the help.
Originally Posted by Carpentersreef
I've also had good luck with partioning off parts of the tank with eggcrate. I cut the eggcrate to fit around rocks, sand, height and width. It really reduces down the space they have to run, then I remove rocks from the side they're hiding on which leaves them open for capture.