Ok, so I dug a bit of a hollow in the sand against the base of my live rock, and put the nem there. He crawled up on the base of the rocks, and looked happy for a few hours. When I went to bed he looked like he was getting ready to move. He did get an itchy foot and decided to go hiking around the tank. Luckily he stuck to the right side of the tank as I moved all my corals over to the left side of the tank. He was resting on a rock of GSP against the glass in he middle of the night when I got up to check. Then this morning he has moved again to the base of the live rock on the far right side against the back glass. He was looking happy there this morning, but is now looking like he might be getting ready to move...AGAIN!! How long does it normally take for them to find their perfect spot? He's stressing me out!