Thread: Tang warfare
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Old 03-22-2009, 05:40 AM
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Default The sohal will be going

After spending the last two days observing my fish and especially the sohal tang, I have decided to remove him from my system. I spent all evening trying to patiently catch him, but have had no luck at all. I will be picking up my fish trap from my friend but I already know I won't have much chance at getting him out with it. It is close to midnight right now and the lights have been out in my tank for quite awhile. I am trying to see where he sleeps but he of course is in the back of my tank under a tunnel... I left the fishnet in the tank, but I have my doubts that I will get him.

This is a heartbreaking choice to make, but I do know it is in the best interest of my other fish. Sunny is my favorite and it will be hard to let him go back to the LFS where I purchased him from... He has not done anything since the fight with the sailfin, but I can tell I won't be able to keep him in a nice community tank. He was a model tank mate, and now he suddenly is not. Strange how they can turn on dime for no real rhyme of reason. I read if they are hungry they may get aggressive, I feed him all the time pellet by pellet, but he is always hungry.

I just have no idea fo how in the heck I am going to catch a streak of lightening that knows he is on the wanted list.
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