Thread: ocellaris clown
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Old 03-22-2009, 04:10 AM
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I had 3 clowns in my 230g. My 1 saddleback (which recently passed away due to old age) hosted a GBTA and my 2 ocellaris host in a frogspawn. My saddleback constantly picked on/beat up/nipped at my 2 ocellaris clowns. They were all added at the same time to the 230g and their hosting homes are at opposite ends of the tank. I thought that I would be ok with 3 clowns in such a big tank but yet my saddleback often picked on the ocellaris, not to much at first, but over time it got worse and worse. Thankfully the saddleback never did any major damage (just the odd nip or bite mark) but still I always felt bad for my ocellaris clowns. IMO 3 clowns = fights
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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