Here are some pictures of the tank drilling. There is going to be an external overflow box at the end of the tank with a built in wavebox on the outside. I also started drilling the middle bracing of the tank (got 3 done until my drill battery died). I'm going to cut out a large hole (rectangular with rounded corners) so that more light can enter the tank.
I've thought about just ripping all that bracing out and eurobracing it but I hate ripping tanks apart and that way I don't have to buy extra glass to make the eurobracing.
I bought this tank used off of a canreef member (can't remember who) about 5 years ago. We bought it before we built our house and it had a corner overflow in it but I ripped it out. It was dirt cheap, I think I paid $200 or $300 for the tank.
I was going to use the corner overflow but decided against it after figuring out how to cut an oval shaped hole at the end of a tank for an external one.
Anyway here are the pics. Sorry, all pictures are taken with my cell phone camera because that's what I have handy. Later I'll start using a real camera when I'm getting close to having water or livestock in my tank.
That is my 3 year year old son helping spray with water while I drill

. This was taken about an hour ago.