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Old 03-21-2009, 04:55 AM
levi1803 levi1803 is offline
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Originally Posted by digital-audiophile View Post
Marriages are supposed to be a partnership... if I told my wife that I was coming home with a pitbull because I work hard and deserve one she would divorce me... why?? ... because I would have not thought about the welfare of my daughter, my existing pets and the health and happiness of the dog, nor her concerns.

(BTW I do not intend to offend any pitbull owners.. I just use them as an example because they are painted as being a mean dog)
funny how they are painted as mean dogs, they are not, they are strong dogs that need a proper owner that's all, I work for the humane society and have seen very few pit bulls that are mean, and trust me, I have seen lots of supposedly "nice" dogs that are mean because they have a**holes for owners. Funny stat is that the most bites from a dog in Canada are from Golden Retrievers.
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