Thread: SPS Sale
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Old 03-21-2009, 04:52 AM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Ocean Aquatics, Ladner, B.C.
Posts: 650
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Default SPS Sale

We have over 180 Colonies instock and the stock has been organized in the following price points:
2 for $40 - these are colonies, not frags,
some just need some TLC and are great
colonies for starting yours sps collection to
ensure your water is ready.

2 for $60 - many of these just arrived this
week, have plenty of color and species.

2 for $80 - many premium colonies with
outstanding color and polyp extension, most
of these would retail normally for $59 to

2 for $100 - these are the ultra premium
stuff that we usually receive from Bali -
great color and awesome species.