Open Comments to FragaLot
I was involved in accepting this last order from Burke of Fragalot. I was glad to see that:
1. Care in bagging the corals was taken: leaking Bags
.....some of the more fragile pieces were mount on foam
.....corals were not lumped together in the same bag
2. Packing the corals in the shipping box:
.....foam casing in box
.....peanut foam surrounding corals
.....sufficent heat packs kept the corals warm( over 24 hrs) till distribution
3. Communication with Burke by PM was excellent
.....weigh bill number provided
.....did PM me after shipment arrived and asked about status of order
What I did:
As a third party with no vested interest:
1. make sure that the customer viewed all the frags and state to me if there were any problems...I would bring them up to Burke if there was...
2. If there were problems both the customer and I would have to agree if indeed the Coral was DOA or in near DOA state
3. Show the customer how the corals were packed
4. Asked them to signoff on the shipment if the corals were okay(verbal this time)
NB....I think this is how shipments should be recieved with a third party. So the seller and buyers are both protected in case of dispute and allows for proper resolution without name calling.
I think if the amount of care and professionalism that went into this shipment is part of the course, I would personally have no problem buying form Burke.
I leave up to fellow Canreefers to decide if they want to give Fragalot another try....