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Old 03-21-2009, 01:30 AM
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my2rotties my2rotties is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Bragg Creek
Posts: 918
my2rotties is on a distinguished road
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I have the following fish

- porcupine puffer
- picasso trigger
- cleaner wrasse
- copperband butterfly
- 2 clownfish
- naso tang
- sohal tang
- sailfin tang
- purple tang
- yellowhead sleeper goby
- banana wrasse
- coral beauty angel (still healthy & robust)
- 2 rabbitfish
- 2 chromis

I have had pitbulls and rottweilers for two decades, although you do not mean to offend, this is what causes BSL and the lack of right in ownership. It is the dog's owners and not the breed at all. I have had many dogs of these breeds over my lifetime and had no issues with them being mean or unstable. My only issues with them is they do not live long enough and die of cancer always.

MY hubby has gotten much better but he gets excited in the hobby. He still has not picked up his regal angel to take time to find out about what went wrong with our other angels and take time to research more. Sometimes he does not always listen to me, but he has been fantastic so far.

I just asked the question today because I hate answers like "they are hard to keep" with no real info on as to why they are hard to keep. The other answers usually is "they eat corals", well what corals do they eat? It was more for a learning experience rather then bringing the fish home on impulse. It has been there for two months, and I am in no rush, nor is my husband. I know if we don't take it, someone will but it before we leave the store with our credit...

I know they are hard to keep and eat corals... I( was just hoping someone that has these fish would have chimed in about what they destroyed and what issues they did have. I really did not expect the be told I **** other people off in the hobby. I take responsibility with my mistakes and try to learn from them. I also like to know how things happen, and why they happen. Don't you remember being a kid and asking your parents "WHY" you can't do something, and they say "Because i said so"...

I have not added any fish in a very long time, and yes I have a Sargassum trigger on hold at the LFS... He is not home and I do not know if I even will take him home. They are hard to come by, and I felt I would make sure I did not miss out on this fish, and take the time to ensure he is healthy and eating, and I am ready. The other wrasse I was asking about would not be delivered for another two weeks and I am researching and asking questions about him. I am making sure I can get a positive ID and learn if he can be happy with my other fish.

I have made mistakes and I am doign my best to make sure I don't make the same ones again. However I cannot promise that I will not make anymore, but I will ask ask prior to doing so I am enlightened going into it, or decide not to proceed.

I really do love my fish, they all have names and personalities. I can always account for each and everyone and know their behaviors and quirks. I research diets and do my best to give them the best of everything. I just went and spent over $40 for seafood medley and squid and mussels and such to puree in my blender with supplements for my puffer. He loves it but my other fish eat the scrapes that blow out his gills. I really do my best for these guys, and know I am responsible for them completely. If I have a problem it would be nice to know I can come here for help instead of being bashed for being dumb enough to ask in the first place...

Last edited by my2rotties; 03-21-2009 at 02:00 AM.
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