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Old 03-20-2009, 11:51 PM
Martmanicus Martmanicus is offline
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Martmanicus is on a distinguished road
Default Once again Wikipedia to the rescue

Damn. I don't know what to do about this shrimp. I could take the piece of live rock out and effectively cook it in the sunshine but that probably wouldn't kill him? Would it? I think he maybe in the process of killing one of the first things I've introduced to my tank.

Quoted from Wikipedia...
Many saltwater aquarists keep stomatopods in captivity. These aquarists may play a role in understanding the mysteries of the mantis shrimp. However, mantis shrimp are considered pests by other aquarium hobbyists because many smasher species create burrows in the exoskeletons of dead corals. These coral remains are useful in the marine aquarium trade and are often collected. It is not uncommon for a piece of coral skeleton, also known as live rock, to also ferry a live mantis shrimp into the aquarium that this live rock is placed into.Once inside the tank, they may feed on fish, corals and smaller crustaceans. They are notoriously difficult to catch when established in a well-stocked tank [19] and although there are accounts of them breaking and destroying glass tanks, such incidents are very rare[20].
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