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Old 03-20-2009, 08:20 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 03-20-2009 at 08:28 PM.
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