is alive!!! There's nothing there yet but it's alive!! Glennrf38 has offered his website building services to us, so thanks Glenn. We should have some content on the site by next week.
Originally Posted by Ian
count me in as interested in this also......need An Alberta reef keepers ...then Calgary chapter, Edmonton chapter, Red Deer chapter all could form lol
Let's not get too excited until we have at least one meeting!

I'm sure the interest is there, but we need a few reefkeepers to the north to step up if that's going to happen.
Originally Posted by lobsterboy
i can be avaible for a tank tour if anyone wanted to come check out my tank sometime, its all good..
we could have pop and chips, 
Awesome, we'll start the schedule of tank tours right away. Most likely a Saturday or a Sunday in the near future. So wipe the salt creep off those tanks and clean your skimmer cups out, here we come!
Originally Posted by karazy
No need for cheato yet, as i haven't gotten my tank up yet, but i would love to see the tank.
Definitely, hope to see you Sunday.