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Old 03-20-2009, 04:02 AM
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones is offline
Marine Aquaria
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: 2854 Calgary Trail
Posts: 127
Joshua Jones is on a distinguished road
Default Some Pics

Due to popular demand here are some pic's.

Keep in mind that since i took these pictures (some this afternoon), we've received
a stupid amount of product. Also, coral system will be up tomorrow (or day after) and
we'll have a starter line of corals in it next week!

What i'm tryin' to say is - if you haven't come down yet, you're missing out because every minute is like a party in here. We have new fish ready to go every Friday!

Here's a pic of the spacarium if you want to see what it looks like before we get to building
it in.

see you soon!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Fish System; new fish everyt week!.jpg (43.6 KB, 72 views)
File Type: jpg Showroom.jpg (38.2 KB, 69 views)
File Type: jpg The Goods.jpg (49.0 KB, 67 views)
File Type: jpg Coral System On it's way.jpg (40.0 KB, 68 views)
File Type: jpg Spacarium.jpg (29.7 KB, 70 views)
Joshua A. Jones
Marine Aquaria Inc
2854 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
780 761 1101