The trace elements come in on week 6 as a starter of 25% a week building up week by week to 100%, yes an overload will create algae blooms this is quite common and something Fauna try to educate many users on.
Please follow the Ultra Lith manual, not any external calculator, and also follow our advise this is the only way we can guarrantee you results.
You have not wasted money on anything as all you have will be used in time, just have patience in the gradual process UNLF must go through to have the desired results.
I will happily review your whole dosing for you and guide you step by step, but please follow exactly what I suggest to the letter.
In regards to coral foods all your system needs right now is the correct dose of Bak and Min-S and Bio, once we have got the established, after the 6 week period, then and only then we move onto the AMIN and Trace elements but slowly.