Thread: Tang warfare
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Old 03-20-2009, 02:11 AM
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naesco naesco is offline
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naesco is on a distinguished road

If she is in the upper corner try this.
Get a very large net or smallish trout net and move lighting etc away from the capture corner.
Set everything up ready to go stool, chair and whatever you need.
Wait until dark and with the net handy, swoop her up quickly before knows what is happening.
Put her in the qt with lights off and a big rock she can hide in/under.
Keep the lights off in the QT, feed her garlic soaked foods and avoid going near the tank.
If you dont think you can do it get someone who can because the swoop needs to be quick
Alternatively stick a nori on a magnet on the other end of the tank and while the sohol is busy toss some food her way, and than, go back to the other end and keep feeding the sohol food tidbits to keep him busy. If the nori magnet is at the top you may want to try scooping the sohal but be quick.
There will be water everywhere so dont do this in front of your wife.
Good Luck

Last edited by naesco; 03-20-2009 at 02:18 AM.
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